Business, Beer & BS with Mike & Blaine

Operational Efficiency “Is Difficulty Just An Illusion?” on Mike and Blaine

Mike Milan & Blaine Bertsch Season 5 Episode 176

Ever avoided something because it looked impossible, only to find out it was easier than tying your shoes? Mike and Blaine are tackling the myth of difficulty—those tasks, skills, and business moves that seem Herculean but are actually just smoke and mirrors. From taxes to tightrope walking (okay, maybe not that one), they’ll break down why perception is often the real challenge. Tune in as we explore our own perception of difficulty.  Here’s a hint: you just gotta dive in and figure it out.

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Featured Beer: @belhavenbrews @rosesbythestairsbrewing @FreshVictorCocktails

Mike: Bellhaven Scottish Ale

Blaine: Roses by the Stairs “Pogo Party Pils” Pilsner

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• Rachel Barnett from Gentle Frog: 

• NEW! Karen Hairston from 3S Smart Consulting:

• Neighbor Pat

• Devin

• Cocktail Sponsor - Fresh Victor at

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